When we think of the subjects we studied in high school, many of us will recall standard ones such as Math, English, and History (History being my favorite - thank you Mr. Billotto!). There is, however, one subject that many of us will not recall being taught: Personal Finance. In fact, a 2018 CNBC article stated that only 17 States require that their high school students take some sort of personal finance course. Seventeen! The other 33, including our great state of South Dakota, have no such requirement. There is no doubt that the first three subjects mentioned are important and should be in the curriculum of every high school education. But isn't it safe to say that the subject of personal finance is at least equally as important as any of those three? Absolutely. From the day we graduate, money and how we handle it is going to weave it's way into every aspect of our life. The things our high schoolers learn early on will form the basis of how they live their adult lives, and subsequently the habits they will then model for their own children.
As strongly as I feel about the importance of this topic, the disheartening news is that it's unlikely any substantial changes will be made to our school's curriculums any time soon. What does this mean for you and I? It means that we have to look outside of our formal education system to learn about this important subject. We have to be personally responsible and stop letting society, through TV and social media, influence the way we think about and handle our money. We have to start making our own informed opinions and decisions. Reading books like "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey and "The Millionaire Next Door" by the late Tom Stanley will put you light years ahead of the everyday person when it comes to the subject of personal finance. Winning with money is not always easy, but it's also not overly hard. Most importantly, it's always achievable. You can do this. Get started today.
*Are you fed up with your own financial situation and ready to take steps to turn it around? We can help. Our one-on-one Financial Coaching will show you how to pay off debt, build your savings, control your finances, and finally start winning with money. CLICK HERE to send us a message or call (605) 252-5972.
Baseline Financial Solutions, LLC is located in Aberdeen, SD.
